
Showing posts from July, 2020

Interactive Mandalas

In a previous post on Interactive Voronoi , we duplicated points by rotating them around the center as part of the Voronoi Kaleidoscope.  I learnt that this is quite similar to how Mandalas  are drawn and hence wanted to try drawing them using Python Turtle.

Interactive Voronoi

I learnt about Voronoi diagrams while working on a previous post .  In that post, all the seeds were generated randomly.  I wanted to try something a bit more interactive so I have more control over how the Voronoi are generated.

Voronoi Whirls

Towards the end of previous posts on Sliders and Bézier Curve Animations , we could draw Polygon Whirls for any regular or irregular convex polygon using a recursive method.  I wanted to see if I could tile many convex polygons with whirls to fill an area.


In a previous post on Polygon Stacks , I wanted to use sliders similar to Spiral Stack to make them interactive.  However, at that point, I did not know how to create such sliders in Python Turtle. While working on the previous post on Bézier Curve Animations , I learnt how to click and drag control points (which are individual Turtles) across the screen.  I thought we could use the same principle to implement sliders.  In this post, I describe how I implemented the basic slider in Python Turtle and applied it to some examples in my previous posts to make them interactive.